Trezor Bridge

Trezor Bridge, you can start managing your cryptocurrency assets directly from your web browser. This includes viewing your account balances, sending and receiving …

To install the Trezor Bridge, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you are using a compatible browser: The Trezor Bridge can only be installed from Firefox or a Chromium-based browser such as Chrome or Brave. It is not possible to download the Trezor Bridge from Safari1.

  2. Access the installation prompt: In Exodus, go to the settings by clicking on the settings icon, then click on "Settings". To install Trezor Bridge, click on "Devices" and then click on "Install Now".

  3. Follow on-screen instructions: Your internet browser will now open. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Trezor Bridge.

  4. Close interfering applications: Before updating the firmware, close any running apps on your desktop but do not close Exodus. Also, close down the internet browser you used to download Trezor Bridge.

  5. Update firmware: In Exodus, you will be prompted to update your Trezor firmware. Do not close Exodus or disconnect the device while the firmware update is in progress. Trezor will auto-restart when finished1.

  6. Initialize the device: After the firmware update, Exodus will prompt you to initialize the device by giving you two options. Click on "Create a new wallet" and follow the on-screen instructions to create your new Trezor wallet1.

For users of Qubes OS, there are additional steps involving the installation of trezorctl with pip, making the qubes rpc script executable, and installing the Trezor Bridge rpm package.It's important to note that the Trezor Bridge cannot be installed on Android devices, but Trezor devices can work via WebUSB with the Chrome browser on Android

Last updated